Emil Svensson

About Me

Since the age of 13, when I spent most of my savings on a brand-new Nikon D40 DSLR camera, I have been in love with photography and its storytelling abilities. It actually started much earlier with my grandmother telling stories and showing photos from her career as a professional portrait and travel photographer. Her work and love for photography has remained an inspiration and guidepost for my own work.

My first recollecting of doing wildlife photography was an attempt to photograph my favourite teddy, a grey Racoon, at the age of 6 or 7. Through the year the cameras has evolved and the camera bags have grown bigger, but the basic love for photography remains the same. Especially nature and wildlife photography are near to my heart and have brought me many memorable moments. From peaceful moments waiting in a hide for the deer to step into the sunlight, to the thrill of the chase on the heels of a wild tiger in Nepal. Wildlife photography offers the full array of emotions.

Over the years I have spent countless hours reading about photography and studying other photographers work to get inspiration and an opportunity to evolve in my own work as a photographer. In the fall of 2019, I set of on a half year trip through Asia. This trip gave me a unique opportunity to develop my own photographic and storytelling skills as well as a deep insight into many different cultures.


For me, it is of the highest importance that nature and wildlife photography are done in an ethical and responsible way that reflects me own love for nature. In a world of climate change and mass extinction it is important that we educate ourselves and do our best to live in line with our own believes and convictions. Therefore, I always scrutinize my photographic locations and opportunities for their ethical and environmental implications in order to minimize the negative impact my work has on the natural world.


Gear List - In Short